Take advantage of BCCPA’s free Jobs Board!

Media response to the BC Care Providers Association’s report titled Situation Critical: A Made-in-BC Plan to Address the Seniors Care Labour Shortage has been far reaching with news outlets across B.C. reporting on staffing shortages in the continuing care sector. The report’s release also triggered record web traffic on BCCPA’s website with nearly 2,500 page views in 24 hours – with our Jobs Board continuing to get the highest number of page views per day.

Did you know that as a BCCPA member you can post your job vacancies for free? Target your communication to key people working within the continuing care sector with an unlimited number of basic classified ads through our self-service Jobs Bank found on Member365.

Want even more people to be aware of your job opportunity? Inquire about our 30-day enhanced job promotion for as little as $500 where we highlight your ad on our website, social media, and an e-blast to thousands of people in the continuing care sector.

Questions? Contact Lily Nguyen, Membership Services
604-736-4233, ext. 233 | lily@bccare.ca


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