Collaborative Report Preview: Building Awareness and Shifting Perceptions

Earlier this year, BC Care Providers Association hosted the 2nd Annual BC Continuing Care Collaborative in partnership with the BC Ministry of Health, bringing together over 170 stakeholders from across the continuing care sector. The day-long dialogue focused on how we will train, recruit and retain the next generation of continuing care workers. We have prepared a special report based upon the input of our delegates entitled “The Perfect Storm: A Health Human Resources Crisis in Seniors Care”, which will be released mid-April. The following post is a preview of that report…

One of the key themes that emerged at the BC Continuing Care Collaborative was the need to raise awareness of job opportunities within the continuing care sector. Job growth in continuing care is expected to be strong over the next ten years at 3.5% annually, for a total of 36,000 job openings. However, due to a lack of media coverage, many British Columbians lack awareness of opportunities in this vital sector.

Delegates at the Continuing Care Collaborative also noted that seniors care is undervalued as a career choice. Though the public is often presented with media stories highlighting challenges within the sector, they are rarely informed about what a rewarding career choice it can be. Finally, the work of HCAs is well known compared to careers in nursing, meaning that they do not always receive the respect and recognition that they deserve.

Delegates at the Collaborative agreed that if the continuing care sector’s recruitment challenges are to be addressed, the sector will need to be rebranded. Delegates recommended that a comprehensive marketing campaign be undertaken to increase awareness of job opportunities within the sector,  emphasizing the rewarding and meaningful nature of the work. This campaign would include job fairs, as well as social media and radio ads, as well as peer to peer marketing. The campaign would also promote health care aides as integral members of the interdisciplinary care team.



Develop a comprehensive marketing and recruitment campaign that increases awareness of employment opportunities in the continuing care sector through job fairs, radio and social media ads, and peer to peer marketing. The campaign to emphasize the rewarding nature of the work, as well as promoting HCAs as a integral members of the interdisciplinary care team.



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