BCCPA’s Associate Membership category has expanded!

As our slogan says, BC Care Providers Association is committed to Strengthening Seniors Care, Together. Our membership includes over 320 organizations delivering residential care, assisted living, home support, and commercial products and services. But did you know that organizations which aren’t service providers, or commercial organizations are able to join BCCPA as associate members?

An associate member is either an individual or organization which supports the purposes of BC Care. Among the benefits our associate members receive are access to our members-only “M365” web portal, in addition to significant discounts for the Annual Conference and Care to Chat events. The cost of signing up as an associate member is only $595.

Mike Klassen

“We know that our voice is strongest when we work across the sector to ensure quality care for British Columbians,” says Mike Klassen, VP of Communications and Stakeholder Relations. “The best way to do that is by ensuring that there are a variety of ways to get involved with BCCPA, and that they are accessible to organizations of different types and sizes.”

Historically, BCCPA’s associate membership has included organizations like non-profits. Recently, however, the Membership Services and Engagement Committee recommended that this category be expanded to include service providers who are in the construction process. This recommendation was recently supported by BCCPA’s Board of Directors with the aim of providing operators who are under construction an affordable way to engage in the work and activities of BCCPA, before they are fully operational.

Are you interested in joining BCCPA as an associate member? Join us today by contacting lily@bccare.ca.


* Feature image by Flickr user Regan Walsh.

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