Care to Chat: tie-breaker vote needed!

We need BCCPA members to make the choice!

Last month for the first time ever, we asked BCCPA members  to choose the topic of our Care to Chat happening in March. The shortlist of selections are all strong, which explains why three of the topics are in a virtual dead heat. Now we need our members’ help to choose what Care to Chat topic will be number one.

“The staff here at BCCPA have their own favourite topics, but this time we do not get to vote. It is all up to our members,” says BCCPA VP, Communications and Stakeholder Relations Mike Klassen.“The three remaining choices are tied, and we hope a final round of votes will help to break that tie.”

Vote for one of the three choices on BCCPA’s members-only portal, Member 365 (login required). DEADLINE is December 22nd. Potential topics were developed by the BCCPA’s Policy & Research Department and shortlisted by the Events & Recognition Committee.

Below is a summary of the shortlisted topics:

  1. Baby Boomers and Seniors Care 

This topic would explore how the aging population, particularly baby boomers, are utilizing resources, pushing demand for services and increasing expectations.  Likewise, it would discuss how baby boomers are placing pressures on the health care system and how the sector needs to adapt.


  1. Quality of Life vs. Quality of Care

While quality of care is often a focal area, less attention is paid to improving quality of life for seniors. This topic will look at ways care providers can improve quality of life for seniors such as increasing access to life enhancing therapies or nutritious food.

  1. Senior Isolation

This theme will explore negative health and other effects of isolation on seniors, including increased levels of depression and chronic disease. We will look at ways such as increased social activities, adult day programs and technology use to address the issue.

Results will be announced on January 8th.

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