Assisted living and home care – a year in review

By Rebecca Morris

In 2017, BC Care Providers Association expanded our efforts to support assisted living and home care providers across the continuing care sector. As 2018 draws closer, we are taking a moment to step back and reflect on what we have achieved this year, along with what is yet to come in two areas that are becoming increasingly critical to supporting B.C.’s aging population.

This year, we released a landmark report on assisted living – the Assisted Living Tenancy Task Force Review (the “Task Force”). Chaired by Tom Crump, the three-member Task Force was supported by two health authority representatives acting in an advisory capacity, and reported on key issues facing the sector, including Bill 16 and made recommendations for necessary actions.

Shortly after the report was released BCCPA developed a new role, Manager of Public Affairs for Home Care & Assisted Living, and hired a new staff person to focus 100 per cent of her time on assisted living and home care.

Next, the continuation of BCCPA’s listening tour began. To hear from providers across the province about the issues in assisted living and home care that matters most 8 roundtables were held. The tour visited the South Island, the Central Okanagan and Burnaby and included two teleconferences.


From this tour the notion of a quality assurance model in home care was conceptualized, and a working group was struck including which includes providers from across the sector. The working group is seeking to stablish a quality assurance model for B.C.’s home health sector which is accessible to providers of all sizes and founded upon best practices. It is the BCCPA’s hope that this program will give confidence to home health clients and the friends and family members who support them.

This year, BCCPA has also been developing a policy paper on home health care in B.C. Developed by the policy and research team, and supported by the BCCPA’s Emerging Issues & Policy Committee, this paper will make recommendations on strengthening B.C.’s home health sector and is expected to be released early in 2018.

BCCPA has also launched an assisted living working group to guide our response to the Task Force Review and represent for the needs of publicly-funded assisted living providers as Bill 16 comes into force.

What can providers expect in 2018?

“You can expect more information on BCCPA’s Quality Assurance program for home health providers, regular communications on Bill 16, information sessions and workshops and regular opportunities to come together and share your perspectives on the issues facing the sector,” says Mike Klassen, VP of Communications and Stakeholder Relations.

“In 2018 BCCPA will continue to be a strong advocate for the interests of our members, and the interests of B.C. seniors,” he adds.

BCCPA also expects to see growth in our assisted living and home care membership as providers join BCCPA and commit to working with us to strengthen seniors care in B.C.

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