Discussing seniors’ care with BC MLAs

BC Care Providers CEO Daniel Fontaine and VP, Communications & Stakeholder Relations Mike Klassen met with both government and opposition Members of the BC Legislature in Victoria to discuss opportunities and challenges facing the continuing care sector.

Presenting to members of the Official Opposition in Victoria

In their presentation titled “5 things every MLA should know about seniors’ care” Daniel and Mike outlined the challenges faced by our province’s shifting demographics; the shortage of front line care workers; the shift of resources from acute to home and community care; a plan to strengthen quality of life for seniors; and a discussion of new care models to combat social isolation, and deliver culturally appropriate care.

“Having spent a lot of time in both Victoria and Ottawa over the years speaking with elected officials, I was extremely pleased by the high level of engagement we received from our MLAs,” says Daniel. “Seniors care is a complex subject, but almost everyone we spoke to had a personal experience to share about seniors in their lives. There is a strong feeling that we must do more for B.C.’s elderly citizens and the families who support them.”

The strong interest in the subject matter is a sign that seniors issues are already top of mind for our elected representatives, adds Mike.

“Whether it was enhancing quality of life, providing culturally appropriate care, or training more workers to address the needs of seniors today and in the coming years, the feedback from the MLAs was great at these roundtable discussions.”


During members statements in the Legislative Assembly, Coquitlam-Burke Mountain MLA Joan Isaacs acknowledged the presence of BC Care Providers representatives, and the association’s 40th anniversary.

I’d like to welcome to the House Daniel Fontaine, who’s the CEO of the B.C. Care Providers Association, and his colleague Mike Klassen, vice-president of communications and stakeholder relations. The B.C. Care Providers Association is celebrating its 40th anniversary today. It represents residential care, assisted-living and home care providers across the province. They are here to meet with representatives from all three caucuses to discuss how we can strengthen seniors care here in the province, something I know that they work tirelessly to advocate for.

Will everyone in the House please join me in congratulating them on their 40th anniversary and welcome our guests today.

BCCPA is extremely grateful to all the Legislative staff who helped to coordinate our meetings.

*Feature image: Daniel Fontaine presenting to BC NDP Caucus

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