Update on the BC Seniors Quality and Safety Program

Last March the B.C. government announced an industry-led initiative which involved providing $10 million to the BC Care Providers Association, under the guidance of an industry advisory committee, to establish the new Seniors Quality and Safety Program (SQSP).

Now that our advisory panel has met, the would like to update all qualified care home providers regarding a rough timeline for next steps to get the program fully operational.


  • The BCCPA is now in the process of hiring a new Director of Programs that will be responsible for implementing and managing the SQSP. Interviews have begun for this position, with some very qualified candidates coming forth. We hope to be in the position to announce who the successful candidate is sometime in July.
  • The first task of our new Director will be to spearhead the development and implementation of an industry needs assessment to determine what type of equipment purchases are most required across the province (August-September).
  • Once the needs assessment has been completed, the final results will be forwarded to CEO Daniel Fontaine and then further reviewed by the advisory panel (Sept-Oct).
  • BCCPA staff will be drafting and finalizing program guidelines and criteria (Sept-Oct)
  • Funding priorities and will be established and communicated to care providers via the BCCPA website and the Advisory Committee (Oct-Nov)
  • Post eligibility criteria and establish new online funding application (Nov)
  • Begin accepting and reviewing 1st phase of applications (Dec)
  • Review funding applications and begin approvals for distribution of funds (January – March 2018)

If you have any questions about the Seniors Safety and Quality Fund, please feel free to contact us at info@bccare.ca with “SQSP” included in the subject heading.

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