“Action, not talk, needed on aging population”

The release last week of new Stats Can figures showing Canada crossing a major milestone in its slowing aging demographic, turned into dozens of media reports across the country. BC Care Providers Association was among the first contacted to respond to this looming societal challenge. The reality of Canada’s aging demographic – warned about by many including BCCPA over the past decade or longer – finally hit home when our population hit an important threshold. There are now more citizens aged 65 or older than there are under 15 years old.

The implications over the long term for health care, and in particular seniors, are immense. Without enough younger people in the workforce, and the costs of health care continuing to rise, Canadians will slowly lose their ability to provide adequate care for its elderly population.

However, there are hopeful signs. Thanks to policies that are encouraging innovation and “outside-the-box” approaches to community planning that support dementia care and more integrated services, the cost of care can be better managed.

Global BC News Hour interviews BCCPA’s Mike Klassen about B.C.’s aging population

At BC Care Providers Association, we are encouraged to see increased media interest in these types of solutions. Top media outlets in B.C. such as Global News, CBC Radio and Globe and Mail are reaching out to organizations like ours and reporting about ideas and solutions put forward by our Emerging Issues and Policy Committee.


We keep repeating that the time for talking about our aging population has come and gone. We are in the midst of significant demographic change. By working with policymakers and professionals in the continuing care sector, we can find solutions to the challenges we face from an aging population.

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