Care to Debate Submissions Now Extended to March 17th!

“What’s your strategy  for improving seniors care in Canada?”

This is the question that will be asked at the first ever Care to Debate event, which is being held at this year’s 40th Anniversary annual conference in Whistler, BC.

When it comes to finding solutions to improve and innovate in the long-term care sector, there are plenty of compelling ideas out there. Our #CareCanBeThere campaign has outlined 30 recommendations for the immediate, medium and longer term that we believe will drive better care outcomes.

But finding the single best idea to improve care? That will be hotly debated at Whistler!

“The winner of this debate will have their motion forwarded to our Policy Committee and the Board of Directors for full consideration,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO, BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA). “The winning motion may well end up shaping the type of advocacy, research and policy work we undertake over the coming years.”


BCCPA is calling for debate submissions. The contest to become one of our Care to Debaters is open to all members of the public, including BCCPA members, sponsors, and students.

Up to five finalists will present their motion to an audience of 250+ leaders in health and continuing care from across the country, as well as answer questions from our panel of judges. The final winner of the debate will be chosen by the audience.

The selected finalists will be eligible to the following benefits:

The following applies to full-time students registered at a post secondary institution in Canada:

To apply, please fill out the motion Word document template (right click, then save), which includes background information and details on the motion proposed, as well as reasons why it should be selected as the top motion.

Finalists are given a platform to bring forward their unique ideas to inform and influence delegates at western Canada’s largest conference on continuing care. The motion passed by the chosen finalist will help shape the direction of the BCCPA’s strategy on seniors care.

“We’ve had some great submissions so far but want to make sure we allow for enough time for everyone to get involved in the process,” shares Fontaine. “I know the delegates assembled up at Whistler will really enjoy this new component of our annual conference.”

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm
Location: Fairmont Chateau Whistler Resort

Submissions should be emailed to Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research, at before the March 17th deadline.

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