What’s your safety idea? 2017 ‘Safety Den’ call for participants

Think you’ve got the best idea for keeping care workers safe in the workplace? Willing to pitch your idea in front of a tough, but fair panel of judges – in return for a big prize and bragging rights? Then we have an event for you.

The 2nd Annual Safety Den sponsored by SafeCare BC is an exciting contest that highlights safety innovations in the home health and continuing care sectors. Following the success of last year’s event, which focused on safety innovations to prevent musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) and promote safe resident handling, this year’s competition is open to all ideas that re-imagine injury prevention for care workers.
This ‘Dragon’s Den’ style competition will be held during BC Care Providers Association’s annual conference in fabulous Whistler, BC. It is offered as a plenary session for the BCCPA 40th Annual Conference and Celebration on Monday, May 29th from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Three finalists will be selected to pitch their safety innovations to our panel of safety ‘dragons’ (aka judges). Don’t worry, they don’t breathe fire!

Participants will answer questions from the judges, our moderator, and the audience too. The panel of judges will choose the winners, and success and glory will be sure to follow!

The following cash prizes are being rewarded:

  • First Place: $1000.00
  • Second Place: $750.00
  • Third Place: $500.00

Cash prizes are sponsored by:






Deadline for submissions is April 21st. Apply now and bring your innovations to life!





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