New BCCPA Board Meets to Develop Strategic Plan

Retreat 2.0
The BCCPA Board and staff meet to develop the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

Earlier this week the newly elected Board of Directors for the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) gathered to begin the process of developing the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan. The two-day planning meeting comes on the heels of the successful 39th Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting whereby members unanimously approved several special resolutions. BCCPA members voted on motions related to increasing funding for direct care hours, the development of a National Dementia Strategy and support for a new federal/provincial health accord.

“There is no other way to describe our two-day strategic planning session but a resounding success,” says Karen Baillie, newly elected President of the BCCPA. “Not only did we develop an excellent framework and road-map that will guide the Association’s efforts to the year 2020, we also got to know each other a bit better.”

The Board participated in a number of staff presentations and reviewed a consultant’s report regarding the BCCPA’s current membership fee structure and composition. Directors also reached consensus on four key goals and a series of objectives they would like to accomplish over the coming years.

“We’ve made significant strides in the last few years, but there is a lot more to come,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO for the BCCPA. “Our success is due in large part to the fact we developed a detailed and strategic plan which helped guide us to where we are today. I have no doubt the efforts from this week will further reaffirm BCCPA’s position as the leading voice for BC’s home support, residential care and assisted living operators.”

BCCPA Board Director begin mapping out key goals and objectives

The Board also made several key decisions regarding it’s sub-committee structure including a focus to increase the number of members actively involved from outside the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.


“We’ve heard from members outside of the Metro Vancouver area that they’d like to be more active within the BCCPA. Overall, I’d like to see an increase in the level of province-wide member engagement as a key focus of my mandate,” says Baillie. “We only serve to benefit as an Association when members from every region are actively involved in developing solutions for improving seniors care.”

A unanimous motion was passed to expand the number of non-Board directors permitted to participate in the Emerging Issues and Policy Committee chaired by Sue Emmons. The Board also asked staff to come back this fall with the terms of reference for a new Quality Committee which will be chaired by Anne-Marie Leijen. Vice-President Aly Devji was appointed as chair for both the Governance and Nominating Committees.

The Annual Conference Committee and the Awards and Recognition Committee were merged to form the new Events and Recognition Committee which will be chaired by Hendrik van Ryk. Ron Pike will serve as the chair of the new Membership Services and Engagement Committee while Riz Ghelan will serve as chair of the Finance and Audit Committee.

For a complete listing of committee members please click here.





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