Year-End Message from the CEO

Dear Members,

BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine.

It’s been another incredible year at the BCCPA in 2015!

We had a record turnout of almost 500 people at our Annual Conference in Whistler. We released what the Senior’s Advocate refers to as a “practical” and “innovative” policy paper which received widespread recognition. Who could forget our sold out Care to Chat and Minister of Health lunch events which triggered significant media coverage.

Looking back, there were clearly a number of significant activities, projects and advocacy initiatives undertaken by the BCCPA in 2015. Most stemmed from and continue to be guided by the 2013-16 BCCPA Strategic Plan – which is due to be updated next summer.

We are pleased to report that our service provider and commercial membership base continues to grow at a very good pace. This continued growth is a testimony to the hard work, dedication and commitment of our staff and Board of Directors who share a common interest in strengthening seniors care in BC.


It is worth noting that all the growth in new member services over the last several years has been done in a staged and fiscally prudent manner. By diversifying our revenue base and keeping costs in check, service membership dues should remain frozen again in 2016 – the sixth consecutive year in a row.

Over the last year, the BCCPA has forged stronger and more collaborative relationships with the Ministry of Health and the regional health authorities. However, more work needs to be done before our members are fully recognized as true partners in the delivery of seniors care – rather than simply viewed  as contracted service providers.

The BCCPA is committed to advocating on your behalf in 2016 regarding the issues of most concern to you and those that can help strengthen seniors care across the province.

At this time of the year, many of us take the time to reflect back on some of our key accomplishments and milestones. In that regard, we have compiled a list of a few activities we have undertaken on your behalf in 2015 (see below). We have broken them down to indicate how they support one of the five strategic goals outlined in our Strategic Plan.

Once again, thanks for all of your support and feedback over the last year. On behalf of the entire BCCPA team, we want to wish you all the best of the season and we look forward to working on your behalf once again in 2016.


Daniel Fontaine                                                                                            Elaine Price
CEO, BCCPA                                                                                              President, BCCPA

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PS Please note that even the BCCPA website needs a holiday break every so often. Therefore, unless something urgent breaks, we won’t be posting up any new material between December 23rd and the New Year.


Strengthening Value Proposition for Members

  • Launched on September 30th the Quality-Innovation-Collaboration | Strengthening Seniors Care in BC policy paper.
  • Enhanced a new “member-only” section of our website which contains custom-designed content and resources including “The Insider” with the latest policy developments.
  • Held numerous free member only workshops at our training centre in Burnaby and at member care homes.
  • Drafted and submitted a Budget 2016 submission to the Ministry of Finance regarding funding pressures facing BC’s continuing care sector
  • Represented care providers on a number of BC Government committees and working groups including the Wheelchair Benefit Working Group, Council to Reduce Elder Abuse and the HEABC Affiliate Committee.
  • Launched 3nd year of successful F.L.U.E. campaign
  • Maintained a freeze on service provider membership dues for the 6th year in a row
  • Drafted two major CEO Member Reports with exclusive member focused resources and information
  • Held the 2nd Annual BC Care Provider Awards in Victoria with Minister Terry Lake
  • Launched a new Affinity Program to reduce costs for members in relation to insurance and employee benefits.
  • Conducted several member surveys requesting feedback on a range of BCCPA products and services including surveys on vacant beds and the Annual Conference.
  • Commissioned major survey to highlight some of the prevailing myths and misperceptions in the continuing care sector.
  • Exceeded our target of a 90% member renewal rate.
  • Successfully completed our second season of Care to Chat with over 600 attendees at four separate events.
  • Hosted successful BCCPA conference with over 50 speakers including former PEI premier Robert Ghiz as well as 24 workshops and three key plenaries.
  • Conducted a tele-forum with our members on the new wheelchair implementation policy.
  • Held several roundtable discussions with our members to gather insight into new policy development.
  • Held a commercial member Q & A session with senior BCCPA staff at the Annual Conference
  • Continued with commercial member representation on our annual conference committee
  • Drafted and sought member support for a motion calling for more openness, transparency in funding models in BC. Motion passed at our AGM.
  • Supported the work of the Emerging Issues and Policy Committee, including development of backgrounders and notes on issues such as funding lifts, assisted living, etc….
  • Conducted over 50 site visits to residential care homes or home care provider headquarters across BC.
  • Secured record level of sponsorships for key events including the Annual Conference, Care to Chat and the Minister’s Annual Lunch.
  • Over 10 human resource classified ads placed on our website – with thousands of views and successful recruitments.
  • Delivered a balanced budget for 2014/15.
  • Record number of vendors at our Annual Conference exhibit hall
  • Upgraded our web app for the Annual Conference

Safeguard Member Viability and Sustainability

  • Effective August 2015, participated in the provincial working group regarding the new wheelchair policy. Successfully got the Ministry of Health to delay implementation by 3 months in order to allow for more consultation and address concerns from care providers.
  • Worked to lower injury rates and reduce WorkSafe BC premiums through our participation on the SafeCare BC Board of Directors.
  • Supported SafeCare BC work including co-hosting events such as the Care to Chat on the dementia village as well as development of templates and paper profiling injury rates based on employee size.
  • Continued to encourage the Ministry of Health to move forward with reforms to the BC Care Aide Registry.
  • Wrote letters to the College of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Psychiatric Nurses regarding establishing a new automated system for employers to be notified of the status change of registrants.
  • Held regular meetings with senior staff and Board of Directors for the BCSLA and DHA to further develop a united front on issues of common concern.
  • Co-organized the 3rd Annual Minister of Health lunch forum. BCCPA was the on-stage host for the “fireside chat”.
  • Monitored the legal battle between Fraser Health Authority and Burquitlam Lions Society.
  • Advocated for the re-instatement of the Managing Changing Need
  • Monitored significant RFQS and RFPs issued by the various Health Authorities.
  • Released a one year update on the status of recommendations contained within the Seniors Care for a Change
  • Met with the Seniors Advocate and invited her to numerous events as part of our ongoing dialogue.
  • Monitoring and preparing for potential media developments such as the release of new CIHI long term care indicators in 2015.
  • Met with senior officials in the health authorities including CEOs to discuss funding lifts and other fiscal challenges facing the continuing care sector.
  • Held meetings with the Ministry of Health to determine how the continuing care sector in BC can help government meet its target of doubling hospice spaces by 2020.
  • Advocated for more direct federal investment in residential care and home care through the Canadian Association of Long-Term Care (CALTC) – BCCPA currently holds the Vice-Chair position.
  • Increased our capacity in the policy and research area by hiring a new full-time policy analyst in December.
  • Represented care providers at special one-day policy forum held in the spring which was hosted by Deputy Minister of Health Stephen Brown.

Effectively Manage our Brand and Reputation

  • Submitted and published numerous opinion pieces in the Vancouver Sun and online on issues such as the Dementia Village concept, resident-on-resident aggression and the Quality-Innovation-Collaboration policy paper.
  • Responded on behalf of the sector to the media (TV, Print, Radio and Online) in relation to a number of emerging issues.
  • Triggered several stories in the Vancouver Sun including the release of our Quality-Innovation- Collaboration policy paper.
  • Published a number of member and board profile stories which were published on our website.
  • Pro-actively developed key media events such as “Concerts in Care” at Surrey City Hall which was attended by over 150 seniors from our member care homes.
  • Achieved significant year-over-year growth in the followers on social media i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Over 65% growth in website traffic and unique visitors compared to 2013
  • Over 40% growth in e-newsletter subscribers compared to 2013
  • Average of eight e-blasts per month to our membership containing key information regarding breaking news and current events
  • Held a “BCCPA Delegation Day” in Victoria which involved the creation of a delegation made up of owner/operators, front-line staff and families of those in care who met with dozens of MLAs and key decision-makers
  • Regular monthly meetings with key Health Authority and Ministry of Health staff
  • Sponsored the CCHL Leadership Conference in Vancouver in October
  • Agreed to sponsor the 2016 BCYCNA Ma Murray Community Newspaper Awards to be held next spring.

Maintain a Focus on Quality

  • BCCPA CEO sits on the SafeCare BC Board which focuses solely on preventing injuries in the continuing care sector.
  • Drafted and released the Quality-Innovation-Collaboration – Strengthening Seniors Care report, which was submitted to the Ministry of Health for consideration
  • Developed Care to Chat public forums focusing on issues such as fiscal sustainability, demystifying myths and misconceptions in seniors care and its impact on care providers, the role of the federal government in seniors care as well as a discussion with health authority CEOs.
  • Developed and delivered 6 workshops on a range of topics of interest to members.
  • Invited to make presentations to a special Deputy Minister forum on the future of seniors care; BC Canadian Health Information Management Professionals Society, Faculty of Gerontology class at Simon Fraser University + others.
  • Regularly met with Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health to pro-actively exchange information and ideas as well as problem-solve.
  • Initiated development of a new Recreational Therapy Best Practices Guide in partnership with SFU, Mitacs, Ontario Long-Term Care Association and the Alberta Continuing Care Association.
  • Presented to DM meeting in October – attended other meeting

Enhance and Build New Relationships

  • Initiated the Annual Minister’s Lunch in 2013 and worked with the Denominational Health Association (DHA), the BC Seniors Living Association (BCSLA) and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association on the 2015 event committee.
  • Invited community stakeholders to participate at our Annual Conference in Whistler. Several became exhibitors.
  • Provided Members of the Legislative Assembly with invitations and access to all of our key events held in Vancouver and Victoria.
  • Worked with Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) to strengthen our partnership.
  • Used our “Partnership Fund” to allow the BCCPA to better engage with our key stakeholders
  • CEO served as Vice-President for the Canadian Alliance for Long-Term Care (CALTC). Attended annual general meeting in PEI in August.
  • Represented our members at various conferences including Leading Age, SFU Friesen, Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network and the Canadian Association of Gerontology.

Some Key Meetings Held in 2015

  • Ministry of Health
  • VIHA, IHA, Vancouver Coastal and FHA
  • MLA roundtables in Victoria
  • BC Nurses Union
  • BC Seniors Living Association
  • Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC
  • College of Registered Nurses
  • College of Licensed Practical Nurses
  • BC Pharmacy Association
  • BC Alzheimer’s Society
  • Denominational Health Association
  • Canadian Medical Association
  • SafeCare BC
  • Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA)
  • Health Arts Society
  • Canadian Institute for Health Information

Published BCCPA Opinion Pieces

New Service Provider Members in 2015

  • Dover House
  • Rest Haven Lodge
  • Sunrise Living of Lynn Valley
  • Sunrise Living of Vancouver
  • Sunrise Living of Victoria
  • Hawthorne Seniors Care Community
  • First Call Health & Home Care
  • Choice Dementia Services
  • Morgan Place
  • Residence at Clayton Heights

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