Aggression, Person-Centred Care and Staff Safety – A Clash of Concepts?

SafeCare BC - Conference bags and lanyardsOn Oct. 28, 2015 SafeCare BC is hosting an exclusive speakers forum at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver. The event will address the inherent tensions between concerns for staff safety in health care and the growing push towards person-centred care. The event features Patricia Boucher, a registered nurse, as the keynote speaker as well as a panel featuring BC Care Providers Association CEO Daniel Fontaine, Linda Pipe, Vice President of the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support Board, Heather French, a front-line care worker at Holyrood Lodge and Stephen Symon, Manager of Industry and Labour Services at WorkSafeBC.


Keynote speaker: Patricia Boucher RN BHSc(N), MHSM, COHN(C), CRSP, CDMP

bio_pattiPatricia has over 30 years of experience in the community and health care sector, 20 years of which have been in the field of occupational health, safety, wellness and disability prevention and management. She has a Bachelor of Health Science in Nursing (BHSc(N)) degree and a Master’s degree in Health Service Management. She is also a Canadian Certified Occupational Health Nurse, a Canadian Registered Safety Professional, and a Certified Disability Management Professional. Patricia spent over 15 years in a senior management position with the Ontario prevention system and currently is the Executive Director for the Advanced Gerontological Education Inc, the organization behind the Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA) curriculum. She is also a Program Manager for the Disability Management Certificate Program at Mohawk College in Hamilton, and a faculty member of Pacific Coast University in British Columbia. Patricia has extensive working knowledge of the development and implementation of health and safety management systems, employee health services, disability management and injury prevention, and wellness programs. Patricia has participated in many national summits on various topics including workplace violence prevention and the psychological safety of employees and in addition speaks at many provincial, national and international conferences.


daniel headshot

Daniel Fontaine – CEO, BCCPA

After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of Manitoba, Fontaine went on to complete the Media Writing and Public Relations certificate from Langara College. He was appointed to the Board of Directors for Douglas College and served on the BC College of Psychologists from 2004-2010. He currently serves on the Board of SafeCare BC. In 2012 Fontaine was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for public service. He was born in St. Boniface, Manitoba and moved to British Columbia in 1989. Fontaine is married with one son and has resided in the historic Queen’s Park neighbourhood of New Westminster since 2001.


Linda Pipe – Vice President, BCCEAS Board


Linda Pipe is a retired RN. She retired Sept 2014 after a 45 year career as a registered nurse. Prior to retirement, Linda was a Gerontology Nurse who had worked in Residential Care for 20 years. She was also the Fraser Valley Chair for BCNU for 13 years. At present, she sits as a Board member of the Mountain View Chapter of the Gerontology Nurses Association. As well Linda is the Vice President of the BCCEAS board.



Heather French – Front-line Care Worker, Holyrood Lodge





SS-2012-184x300Stephen Symon – Manager of Industry and Labour Services, WorkSafeBC

For over 25 years Stephen has worked in the capacity of researching, developing and delivering programs to improve the health, safety and well being of workers. The primary focus for the 20 years has been on worker health and safety in the health care sector. Stephen has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in human physiology and biomechanics with additional training in disability management, occupational health and safety and ergonomics. For the past 14 years Stephen has been with WorkSafeBC and currently is in the role of Manager Industry and Labour Services focusing on injury prevention and return to work through a consultative and educational approach with health care and social services employers and workers. Most importantly Stephen and his family enjoy anything and everything that gets them active and outdoors.

Registration Information

When: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Time: 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Where: Terminal City Club, Vancouver, B.C.
Fee: SafeCare BC Members: $35. Non-members: $85


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