Significant Media Coverage for BCCPA Policy Paper

Michael Kary is the Director of Research and Policy for the BCCPA.

On Wednesday the BCCPA released a significant policy paper, which if implemented, could significantly transform BC’s continuing care sector into the future. The policy paper written by Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research, has generated a significant amount of media coverage throughout the province. It also generated the highest one-day web traffic ever on the BCCPA website with well over 1000 views in less than 24 hours!

The BCCPA’s CEO Daniel Fontaine was interviewed by a number of media outlets including:

  • ½ page story in Vancouver Sun page A12
  • CBC Radio News story
  • Interview with Rick Cluff, CBC Early Edition
  • CKNW John McComb Show – they reported BCCPA report was one of the “Top 5 Stories of the Day”
  • Interviewed by CKNW news and the story ran top end of 8 am newscast and all morning
  • News 1130 Radio interview
  • Special guest on CBC Almanac with host Gloria Macarenko – listen to podcast here
  • CBC Vancouver French TV interview for evening newscast
  • CBC Radio Victoria – On the Island

“The BCCPA is very pleased by the media coverage that has been occurred since yesterday’s release of the major report” said Kary. “Over the coming weeks and months we hope to continue to discuss the recommendations outlined further particularly with key stakeholders in order to support the long-term sustainability of the sector and improve seniors care across the province”.

In addition, Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Federal Liberal Party also announced his campaign platform focusing on seniors care. It states:

As an immediate commitment, we will invest $3 billion over the next four years to prioritize additional and improved home care services for all Canadians. Our commitment is nothing less than ensuring an integrated primary care system in Canada that is multidisciplinary, patient-centered, and committed to managing chronic disease within community, home, and long-term care settings. We will work with the provinces and territories to ensure all Canadians have access to high-quality in-home caregivers, financial supports for family care, and, when necessary, palliative care. As already announced, as part of a Liberal government’s commitment to a new, ten-year investment of nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure, we will prioritize significant, new investment in affordable housing and seniors’ facilities – including long-term care facilities.

The BCCPA will continue to promote our new policy paper as a workable solution to the significant issues facing BC’s continuing care sector. On October 14-15, we have been invited by the Ministry of Health to participate in a stakeholder meeting to discuss the future of seniors care delivery. The Ministry has committed to circulate our policy paper to all the key stakeholders attending the two-day forum.


“With the Minister providing his recent support for the establishment of the BC Continuing Care Collaborative, we have a real opportunity to transform our sector to help strengthen seniors care,” said Fontaine. “The public reaction to our report clearly indicates we have struck a chord and the time for real change is now upon us.”

CEO Daniel Fontaine was invited as a guest on the CBC’s Almanac program to discuss the future of seniors care in BC
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