dollar dollarNow that we are well into the 2015/16 fiscal year, many of our members are in the midst of receiving funding letters from the various health authorities.

In most cases, it appears funding lifts will not allow our members to keep pace with identified inflationary and other costs. This has been an ongoing issue for several years and the situation continues to compound.

In order to address the 2015/16 funding shortfalls, the BCCPA will be forwarding a letter to each of the Health Authorities to convey our concerns regarding the financial sustainability of our residential care and contracted home support members. We have asked to meet with Health Authority officials over the coming weeks to open up a dialogue to address this critical issue on a sector-wide basis.

At the upcoming Annual General Meeting being held in Whistler on May 25th, an emergency resolution will be brought forward for ratification by the membership. The resolution was approved by the Board at a special meeting held on Friday, April 17th. The resolution speaks to the need to develop core funding principles and a business-to-business relationship with the Health Authorities. To read a copy of this motion, please click here.

The special resolution also requests member support for the development of a new BC Continuing Care Collaborative. The aim of the Collaborative would be to facilitate a more formalized platform for dialogue and long-range planning between all the key stakeholders in the continuing care sector. The Ministry of Health and Health Authorities have reviewed the concept and have demonstrated a willingness to explore it further. 


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