Pretend your nursing home is a bus, you’re the driver, and passengers are your staff and colleagues.

Big question: Do you have the right people onboard?
This has come up with several Seniors Care organizations we’ve worked with lately, all of whom have set their sights on being not just good…but great. They know the trip ahead will likely require moving passengers around, bringing on new ones, and asking some to disembark.
And they’re asking themselves some tough questions about how to identify tomorrow’s Seniors Care leaders.
- Would we hire that person today?
- If that person said they were leaving, would we feel relieved?
- Is retaining this person a disservice to our home, our organization, other employees, our residents and their families, and even the individual since we’re allowing their performance problems to persist?
These Seniors Care organizations know the wrong people aren’t “bad” people. They just aren’t headed toward your destination. Asking them to disembark will help not only your team — it may also help them find their own right buses.
What about your bus?
Is it time to re-arrange passengers or make some painful but necessary “bus stops” to ensure you have a team ready to drive your business forward?
It’s not easy to let someone go, especially if your care centre promotes a culture of compassion. It may seem easier to procrastinate and hope for improvement. Except putting off the inevitable paralyzes growth for you and the individual…while making painful but necessary “bus stops” ensures you have a team ready to drive forward.
Or do you need to find some new passengers?
If you’re not sure how to spot who’s right for your bus when hiring, then listen to the 45-minute Maxwell Management Group/Conduit Coaching free Thought-Leadership Teleforum where we focused on *Conducting Great Interviews for Seniors Care leaders.*
Email ( and we’ll send you the details to access the recording at your convenience.
As the driver, it’s your job to keep the bus on track and on time.
Written by Mary Ellen Sanajko, Conduit Coaching (commercial member). Mary Ellen writes a regular column for BCCPA members regarding leadership in Long Term Care and Seniors Care.