B.C. launches elder abuse awareness social media campaign

The BC Government has launched a month-long awareness campaign calling British Columbians to action in taking a stand against elder abuse. West Vancouver-Capilano MLA Ralph Sultan, was joined by Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie, in launching the social-media focused campaign. Mackenzie, who keynoted the final session of the BC Care Providers Association Annual Conference early last […]
SafeCare BC Receives Strong Reviews at Conference

It was a full house at the SafeCare BC-hosted concurrent sessions at last week’s 37th Annual Conference in Whistler. Wynona Giannasi of HoweGroup presented to an attentive crowd the results of SafeCare BC’s Training Needs Assessment. Highlighting key findings, she noted that employers and front-line staff share the same concerns, with violence prevention, safe resident handling, […]