Care Aide Registry Releases Program Recognition Guide for Educators

The BC Care Aide Registry recently released the Health Care Assistant Program Recognition: Guide for Educators. The Registry notes:

At a time when HCAs are providing up to 80% of the direct care to older Canadians living in long term care or in their homes, consistency in training and graduate outcomes are essential to the continuity and quality of care. Under the auspices of the Registry, HCA program recognition will ensure that all HCA programs in BC are following the provincial curriculum, implementing a common set of training standards and graduating competent front-line health care providers.

For further information, including important dates and English language competency requirements, please visit the Registry’s website.


The BC Care Providers Association’s Care Aide Registry subcommittee will be making recommendations to the Minister of Health regarding how to improve the Registry process. If you would like to provide input, please contact Heather Campbell, our Director of Policy and Research, at or 604.736.4233 ext. 228. 


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