Gerontological Nurses Association 2014 Conference

GNABCOn April 3-5, 2014, the Gerontological Nurses Association of British Columbia will be holding its Provincial Conference and AGM in Victoria. The topic of the event will be Seniors Living at Risk: Whose Choice is it Anyway?

Presentations include:

  • Risky Business: The Line Between Tolerable and Intolerable – Susan Brown R.N., BScN., MScN.,GNC (C) Clinical Nurse Specialist Fraser Health & Gerontology; Leanne Lang BA(Hons), MPA, Clinical Specialist Adult Abuse & Neglect Fraser Health
  • This Abuse and Neglect Case is Giving Me an Ethical Headache! – Allison Patterson B.Sc. (OT), Coordinator – Seniors Health, Island Health
  • Ethics & Safety in Home Care: Perspective on Home Support Workers – Janet Storch RN, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Nursing UVic; Cherie Geering Curry RN, BSN, BA; H&CC
  • Risk Choice in LTC: Whose Voices Matter? – Gina Gaspard RN, BSN, MN, GNC(c), CNS Gerontology, Residential Care, Assisted Living & Specialized Populations; Karen Kobayash PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Center of Aging Uvic, ACaDeME colead Investigator; Ruth Kampen ACaDeME Project Coordinator, MA, UVIC

For more information, see the event agenda here, or visit the the Gerontological Nurses Association of British Columbia website!

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