Catholic Health Association of BC Annual Conference: September 19, 2013

On Thursday, September 19, 2013, the Catholic Health Association of BC will host its 73rd Annual General Meeting and Conference in Coquitlam. This year’s theme is Shining a Light on the Darkness of Elder Abuse:CHA

Elder abuse prevention is a shared responsibility with multiple ministries and agencies, as well as community and individual partners, all playing important roles. The prevention of and response to abuse is fostered through community and individual awareness, education, information, and access to effective, coordinated services. Our speakers today will touch on each of these key priorities in combating the abuse and neglect of older adults: prevention, early identification, assessment, referral, response, support and follow-up.

It is hoped that the steps that we take now, individually and collectively, may ensure that “older adults in British Columbia live in age-friendly communities free from abuse, and are supported to live active, socially engaged and independent lives.”


Dr. Will Johnston, Vancouver family physician – Assessing the Capacity of Elders to Make their own Decisions


Teresa Robitaille, Social Work Consultant – Responding to the needs of vulnerable adults who are experiencing abuse, neglect and self-neglect

Sherry Baker, Executive Director, BC Association of Community Response Networks – It’s Not Right: Elder Abuse is Everyone’s Responsibility

Agenda and registration information is available on the Catholic Health Association‘s website. You can also download a copy by clicking here.

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